All we need to do is to accept that all of us ... are different. ... or NOT. We can easily adapt to both scenarios and that’s only a decision. … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

 We like it or not, we need to accept that many people are easily losing their temper when the things are not running in the direction we want them to run.

We become angry.

We even show the worst part of our personality … and we name that … positioning ourselves on the stage of life.

But the truth is that we just dislike that the others are not agreeing with us … with our ideas, our thoughts or our plans.

They just think in a different way … even the opposite of what we have in mind.

Actually, it’s quite normal not to be all the time on the same frequency … but that makes us totally unhappy cause we can’t dominate the scene of life.

This is the moment when we even name those people that are on the same scene with us … our enemies.

They even were our friends in the past … but now we almost define them … as war criminals.

Ridiculous … but that is the truth.

A total non sense … but this is what becomes a situation when other people can’t dominate us … or we can’t dominate them.

A useless war … with no meaning at all is starting … having no


We are too blinds to see that is not our soul in the story with the useless fight … but the Ego … that wants to win.

But to win what?!

That … or that … or that?!

What is the message behind all what is going on?!

I tell you what i certainly know for sure.

The ego … my ego, yours etc … wants more and more and more … but what is extremely important for the ego is to dominate … all the time.

It does not matter if it is a simple thing or an important one … but only the chapter with domination is important.

So … can we accept the others … just as they are … i mean … different than us?!

They could be communists … or other religion than us etc etc … but just different.

They could be even complementary with us … and we could be blinds to see it.

There are many things to say … but just understanding that all of us … are different … so we have this right to be unique … and we should respect it.

We can easily adapt to both scenarios … accept or not accept the others just as they are … but having enemies, not living a life in harmony is not a positive path to follow.

Losing your temper … letting the Ego prove its powers … means letting your soul be controlled by an artificial entity.

Just be yourself … and let the others do the same!

It’s only about respect … for you … and all the ones you meet on the stage of your life.

Download the book ”Behind the abstract … there is always a message” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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