Dancing … we learn to synchronize … and suddenly realize that domination is … useless for a beautiful relationship … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

 I was watching the movie she sent me.

They were dancing … and seeing and movie again and again … i saw them synchronizing so well.

They looked like the … perfect couple.

But they were a couple … only on the stage … at the dancing competitions.

And still … the energy of the show was … amazing.

I’ve somehow realized that it’s all a show that is sending a very simple message …” forget about dominance … and just synchronize.”

I still have the regret that i don’t know to dance … but i’ve study a lot the concept of synchronizing … while dancing.

… in a theoretical way.

I see it as the key for … beautiful relationships.

Yesterday and even today … i’ve spent a lots of time watching again movies … with people dancing.  

Professional dancers … but also couples …. and even people that it’s so obvious that they are in love.

And i smile.

I look at the standard pattens of relationships … between man and woman …. and especially the ones married … and i see again and again …. the idea of dominance.

And i ask myself … why we waste our lives like that?!

What if we should … all …. the ones involved in relationships … study more the art of dancing …. and try to analyze more the purpose of …. synchronizing?!

The question … remains … and it keeps being repeated into my mind.

It’s somehow all related with our fears … of losing what we have in the present moment.

And instead of focusing on the beauty of the moment … enjoy it like something that might look as a reflection of eternity … we let ourselves be dominated by … the fear of losing what we have now.

We suddenly stop hearing the beauty of the music of life … and ….

Well … all is fucked up …



Download the book Dominating and being dominated ... a way of wasting our lives – philosophical essayswritten by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 

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