We want lots of things in life ... but we don't need anything to be ... happy. ... cause happiness itself is not related so much to the physical world … by the well know romanian author Adrian Dumitru


In life … we want lots of things.

And … i’ve personally wanted … over the years … lots, lots of things.

I really had a huge list of desire … and also big dreams.

Somehow … is funny cause the Universe is allowing us to get all these things.

Might be an expensive car.

Might be … a house on the sea.

Or … lots of houses.

Or … maybe … a yacht.

We get it … but ….

Happiness is not coming.

And … even if we are happy it is not actually that intense long term happiness … we chased for.

No ….

It is really … nothing so special … as we had expected.

Unfortunately …. the passing of time … made me understand that accomplishment of my desires will not really make me happy.

No …

And it is even worst … cause i might be overwhelmed by sadness seeing that i don’t really get a certain type of happiness.

Of course … because i am annoyed.

But you know why?!

Well … i believe that many of our desires … are not even our own desires.


They were induced to us … by the others.

… and we’ve illusory believed that we’ll be happy.

But … i only tried to fool my mind … avoiding the annoying …. sadness which … many times … almost overwhelmed me.

… like happened to many others.

So … i was lying to myself … somehow promising that … if i will get that or that …. or that … i will be happy.

Yes … happiness … was a projection into the future … and saying “I want that … “ was actually just a way of saying … trying to convince myself that i need to wait … cause happiness is going to appear.

So … I’ve continued to believe into the need of accomplishing my desires … or even work very hard … for my dreams.

Yes …

… illusory believing… the trick will work.

Unfortunately … it was not like that.

And … i was blind.

In fact …. I did all my best to blind myself … and fool my mind.

… not accepting that happiness is actually not so related with the physical world.

I could actually be happy … today .. now … right in this moment.

I could just decide to walk on the streets … look at the trees … at the birds … at the nature near me … and connect to happy vibes.

I don’t need to wait 1 month … 1 year … or maybe one century … to be happy.

No ….

The real truth is that the accomplishment of our dreams and desires … will not automatically make us happy.

But … we could disconnect from this … dogma.

And … simple chase for whatever gives us happy vibes.

… cause those vibes … are the real path to happiness.

Download the book ”What do you want?!

philosophical essays” written by the romanian writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.

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or www.adriangabrieldumitru.com

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